Evaluating 2024’s Marketing Trends: Mid-Year Progress and Challenges

June 26, 2024 Morgan Menzel

As we reach the midpoint of 2024, it’s an opportune moment to evaluate the progress of this year’s marketing trends, as forecasted by industry experts. In this blog, we’ll revisit these initial predictions to gauge their accuracy, explore how businesses are navigating these dynamic times, and delve into any unforeseen challenges that have emerged.

Predicted Marketing Trends for 2024

First, let’s delve into the marketing trends experts predicted for 2024:

  • Dominance of Short-form Videos: Short-form videos, particularly on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, were predicted to dominate (Intent Amplify 2024; Hawley & Clark 2024; Patel 2024; Optimove 2024).
  • AI & AR Marketing Strategies: The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) in marketing was expected to accelerate, enhancing personalised customer experiences through hyper-personalisation, product visualisation, and AI-driven chatbots (Patel 2024; Townsend 2024).
  • Influencer Marketing: There was a projected shift toward micro-influencer marketing to boost brand authenticity (McCabe 2023).
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): UGC was anticipated to grow, providing social proof of positive customer experiences (Intent Amplify 2024).
  • Voice Search Optimisation: Businesses were expected to adapt their SEO strategies for voice search, accounting for more than 50% of all web searches (WebFX 2024).

June 2024: How are The Trends Progressing?

Now, let’s explore how these trends have progressed:

1. Video Content

As predicted, short-form videos are thriving in mid-2024, particularly on platforms like TikTok, which boasts 1.6 billion monthly users, and Instagram which has reached over 2.35 billion. Across both platforms, businesses leverage this content to deliver quick, engaging videos that can capture audience attention amid shrinking attention spans (Kajabi 2024). 

Despite the rise of short-form content, however, long-form videos have not become insignificant. In June, YouTube continues to serve as a primary platform for detailed content, tutorials, and comprehensive storytelling, with 31% of users more likely to recall brand information from longer formats (Video Marketing Confidence 2024). 

Further, 2024 has witnessed a significant shift, with platforms like TikTok evolving to cater to short-form and long-form content. Renowned for its 60-second videos, the platform has expanded in recent years to include longer-form content, such as 10, 20, and 30-minute videos. Following the immense popularity of these longer formats, TikTok has in May 2024, strategically begun trialling 60-minute videos, aiming to enrich the user experience and content possibilities (Sato 2024). This shift highlights the changing digital landscape, where platforms are now combining the benefits of both short-form and long-form content to cater to diverse user preferences and consumption habits. 

2. AI & AR Marketing

Since January, advancements in AI and AR have been steady but not as rapid as anticipated. Currently, only 35% of businesses utilise this (Cardillo 2024). Among these marketers, the most-used technologies include AI-powered chatbots that enhance customer service with 24/7 support and ChatGPT to assist in brainstorms and developing marketing strategies. As predicted, hyper-personalisation is also making strides, enabling businesses to understand customers’ needs, preferences, and purchasing behaviours (The Minding Agency 2024). As for AR technology, this is fast becoming an asset across some industries, offering interactive experiences such as:

  • Automotive: 360-degree car tours.
  • Fashion: Virtual try-ons.
  • Homewares: Virtual furniture placements in customers’ homes.

However, the rise of AI and AR technologies has generated concerns over data security and customer privacy. Consequently, this is causing distrust among users and hesitation from businesses (Marr 2024) — forcing them to implement robust measures to prevent discomfort or costly and complex breaches!

Despite these challenges, though, 83% of businesses acknowledge the potential of AI and AR in their marketing strategies to boost engagement and sales (Afshar 2024). While adoption rates have not progressed as quickly as initially predicted, this is a promising sign that the use of this content will grow in 2025 and beyond.

3. Influencer Marketing

While people may argue over the term “influencer” and its place in marketing, the experts were right. Micro-influencers (a person with 100 – 10k followers) are fast becoming a pivotal component of digital marketing strategies in 2024!

Research shows that businesses are increasingly collaborating with micro-influencers, who share genuine recommendations that resonate with their audiences and increase brand authenticity. As a result, marketers are achieving higher engagement rates compared to traditional branded content (Aspire 2024), with an average return on investment (ROI) of 12% (Hawley & Clark 2024).

This approach not only enhances brand visibility but also builds lasting consumer relationships. As such, by focusing on authentic content creation, businesses are achieving more meaningful interactions, reinforcing the importance of utilising influencer marketing moving into 2025 and beyond! 

4. User-Generated Content

As predicted, user-generated content (UGC) has grown exceedingly, with 87% of businesses now utilising it in their marketing strategy (Kunsman 2024). This has shown remarkable performance metrics, with a 4x higher click through rate (CTR) than traditional content, and an 86% increase in trust for brands that showcase customers using/reviewing their products (Kunsman 2024).

For the remainder of 2024, UGC will undoubtedly continue to dominate, helping businesses build credibility, and drive engagement and conversions across various platforms!

5. Voice Search Optimisation

Lastly, Voice Search Optimisation has performed as expected, with more than 50% of adults now integrating voice commands into their daily search routines, contributing to a monthly volume of 1 billion voice searches globally (Mosby 2024)!

As a result, businesses are prioritising Voice Search Optimisation in their SEO strategies, capitalising on its potential to enhance the user experience and capture a growing market segment (Joshi 2024). However, despite its evident benefits, not every business has fully embraced voice search optimisation, indicating ongoing opportunities for growth and innovation in this dynamic digital landscape. 

Concluding Thoughts

As we reflect on the first half of 2024, it’s evident that the predicted marketing trends are unfolding — some faster than others. Brands are adapting by embracing new technologies and strategies to remain competitive, though challenges such as AI and AR security concerns persist. Moving forward, marketers must remain agile to capitalise on these market trends and effectively engage their audience in the evolving digital landscape.

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